Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Ease: NFC's Clear Advantage

Successful Workplace reports that QR Codes, because they require users to take extra steps, are rapidly losing ground to NFC.
"Just as some of the world realized what QR codes actually are, the shift is happening toward Near Field Communication (NFC) instead," writes columnist Jeanne Roué-Taylor.
Both technologies serve the same function, Roué-Taylor says, but with a major difference in the user experience.
Both "create a digital bridge to physical collateral," but QR Codes are "too clunky" and demand "too many steps from ‘notice to value,’" while "NFC, simply put, is easier to use."
NFC is a "virtual doorway" that's driving the "move toward the Internet of Things," Roué-Taylor says.
While QR Codes demand that users change platforms to acquire collateral, NFC enables them "to invisibly pass through electronic borders without changing platforms."

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